Stanford Area Trails

On October 16, 2001, the applicant, Stanford University,replied to the County's previous comments and proposed routings for trails S-1 and C-1 as they relate to Stanford's obligations under its General Use Permit.
Here are the applicant's proposal, the County's response, and our comments.

Executive Summary

Related documents
Letter from Robert Reidy, Stanford Vice Provost (Land & Buildings)
to Paul Romero (Director Santa Clara County
Environmental Resources Agency)
(16 October 2001)
Outlines Stanford's current position.
Letter from Charles Carter (Stanford planner)
to Mark Fredrick (Manager, Planning and Develpment,
Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation))
(16 October 2001)
Details related to the above
Overview trail map attached to the above letters.(big)
S-1 trail map attached to the above letters(big)

(No county response yet)


(To be provided shortly.)

Our detailed comments

(To be provided shortly)

  • (Note: These files were generated by scanning paper documents and may contain scanning errors.)


This site is operated by a group of Stanford-area people, many of whom are Stanford alumni.
It is not an official site of Stanford University.
Last update November 3, 2001.