Stanford Area Trails

Stop the Dish Trail Sellout

Alongside the Stanford Golf Course.

Alpine Road south of Junipero Serra.

The trail plan route

Stanford’s proposed route

Stanford signed an agreement with the Santa Clara County Supervisors to build two trails in the Dish area, connecting the campus to parks in the foothills.

Now Stanford is trying to get out of it.

Santa Clara County has a Countywide Trail Master Plan. All developers are required to dedicate easements for trails that cross their land. The trail plan shows two trails across Stanford land in the Dish area. Stanford’s General Use Permit, the subject of big political battles last year, requires them to dedicate the easements by December 12, 2001, or have their building permits held up.

But Stanford doesn’t want public trail easements. They’re claiming the bike path along Alpine Road can be used instead of one trail. And they claim it’s not their problem that the other trail, which should connect Stanford Avenue to the Arastadero Preserve, would have to cross I-280 at a busy interchange instead of using an existing service road tunnel.

Santa Clara County’s Department Parks and Recreation and the Planning Commission have to go along with Stanford to let this happen. Don’t let them.

Contact Santa Clara County Supervisor Liz Kniss at 408-299-3540.
(Or click here to E-mail her at

Tell her to make Stanford do what they agreed.

Want to know more? Click here to get the facts.

This site is operated by a group of Stanford-area people, many of whom are Stanford alumni.
It is not an official site of Stanford University.
Last update November 3, 2001.