A trail plan for the Stanford area
Executive summary
Stanford is required by its General Use Permit to dedicate easements
for and build out sections of two county trails within one year
of its signing of the GUP. Trail C1, as mapped, runs from Sand Hill
at the Palo Alto city line to the Arastadero Preserve, generally
following San Francisquito Creek through the golf course and the
Felt Lake area. Trail S1, as mapped, runs from El Camino Real through
the Stanford Industrial Park, then along Old Page Mill Road, and
then connects to the Arastadero Preserve of the City of Palo Alto.
The mapped routes are considered general and are subject to adjustment.
As of June 1, 2001, nothing definite has been decided. Santa Clara
County Parks and Recreation (Jane Mark) is the lead agency on this.
Stanford Dish area issues are generally considered a "hot political
topic" and thus this is being approached cautiously by county
23, 2001: We have received this first
version of the proposed "trail matrix" from County
Parks and Recreation, along with this cover
letter. This proposal would relieve Stanford of almost all its
trail obligations, contrary to the explicit terms of the General
Use Permit. Trail C1, listed in the County Trail Master Plan as
having a 3.6 mile segment over Stanford land, exists in this "trail
matrix" only as a sidewalk and bike lane along the half mile
section of Sand Hill Road from Palo Alto to the Sand Hill/Junipero
Serra intersection, where it dead-ends. This is unacceptable and
non-compliant. Trail S1 is forced to cross Page Mill Expressway
(a four-lane divided highway without traffic lights) near I-280
to avoid going over Stanford land.
Further comments and action will follow.
The Requirement
From the final Conditions of Approval of Stanford's
2000 General Use Permit: from the County of Santa Clara:
2. Stanford shall dedicate easements for,
develop, and maintain the portions of the two trail alignments
which cross Stanford lands shown in the 1995 Santa Clara Countywide
Trails Master Plan (Routes S1 and C1), according to the following
a. In consultation with the County Parks
and Recreation Department, Stanford shall identify trail
easements and complete Agreements for Trail Easements within
one year of GUP approval. For purposes of this condition,
the term “easement” includes any other equally enforceable
mechanism acceptable to the County Board of Supervisors.
b. Stanford shall work with the County Parks and Recreation
Department to identify responsibilities for trail construction,
management and maintenance. An agreement regarding these
issues, including but not limited to a time frame for implementation,
shall be reached within one year of GUP approval.
The trail alignments
in the Countywide Trails Master Plan
To the left is the relevant section of the Countywide Trail
Master Plan Trail Map, reproduced from "Santa Clara County
Countywide Trails Master Plan Update", as adopted November
14, 1995, by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.
The relevant trails are C1, at left, and S1,
at center-right. Note Junipero Serra Boulevard and Page Mill
Road at the center for orientation.
Solid green lines indicate "Trail Route within Other
Public Lands".
Dashed green lines are "On-street Bicycle Route within
Road Right of Way".
"O-X-O-X" indicates "Trail Route within
Private Property".
The large black dot indicates an existing staging area, the
parking lot at the Arastadero Preserve.
Light gray represents incorporated areas. Dark grey represents
existing county parks or publicly owned open space. The dashed
black line is the Santa Clara county line.
NEW: Click
on the image to see this map overlaid on aerial photographs.
Trail C-1
Trail C-1 is shown on the Countywide Trails Master Plan as paralleling
San Francisquito Creek on the east (Santa Clara County) side of the
creek. (The creek is the county line.) Trail C-1 is mapped with
the X-O-X-O notation indicating a trail on private property
from the Palo Alto city line to Arastadero Road in Portola Valley.
This entire stretch of land is owned by Stanford from the Palo Alto
line on Sand Hill Road to the Arastadero Preserve of the City of Palo
Alto. So this is the section of trail C-1 for which Stanford has an
From table D-1 of the Countywide Trail Master
Francisquito / Los Trancos
Connector Trail |
Francisquito Creek
Los Trancos Creek |
Stanford Golf Course
West Arastadero |
University |
The trail alignment shown by the trail plan runs through the Stanford
Golf Course. This is the main problem. Were it not for the golf
course, the trail routing would be clear - it would run along the
east bank of San Francisquito Creek. This is the baseline route.
There is general agreement amongst all parties (trail users, golfers,
environmentalists, and Stanford) that going through the golf course
is undesirable, for reasons of safety, environmental impact on the
creek and its wildlife, and impact on the golf course itself. It
is not impossible to run a trail very close to a golf course. Pebble
Beach has trails along parts of its golf courses. But it would
be better to go around if at all possible.
Immediately to the east of the golf course is undeveloped open
space owned by Stanford. There are no serious physical or environmental
obstacles to a routing east of the golf course. Stanford has previously
objected to this routing on the grounds that it might interfere
with future development of this open space. (Ref: conversation with
Charles Carter, Stanford planning). This is the only significant
problem with that route.
Immediately to the west of the creek is San Mateo County. There
is a significant legal question as to whether Stanford can legally
fulfill its obligations to Santa Clara County with a project in
another county.
The area immediately west of the creek contains residential developments,
running up to the creek bank in some instances. The area is generally
There is an existing sidewalk along Alpine Road in San Mateo county.
It was once a recreational trail, developed with Federal funds in
the 1960s. But with increasing urbanization and widening of Alpine
Road, it has been reduced to a sidewalk. Some sections are substandard
as a sidewalk, let alone a trail.
Our general position on this trail is as follows: The trail
must be entirely within Santa Clara County. It should start at Sand
Hill in Palo Alto where Stanford's existing bike trail connects,
be reachable from the Stanford Equestrian Center, continue across
the campus using existing pathways to Junipero Serra and Campus
Drive, continue towards the golf course, and run outside and east
of the golf course. It should connect to the existing Alpine Road
trail at the Piers Lane bridge. At this time, we have no detailed
position on a preferred route for the section of this trail through
the Felt Lake area. This trail should meet Trail Standard G-2 (multi-use,
paved and unpaved) or G-3 (multi-use, unpaved). The trail must have
no gaps between the endpoints.
Trail S-1
Trail S-1 is shown on the Countywide Trails Master Plan as paralleling
Matadero Creek. On the version of the trail map that appears in Stanford's
materials, this trail dead-ends at I-280 and Page Mill Road. However,
on the official county trail map (November, 1995), it goes under I-280
slightly west of the Page Mill - I-280 interchange (where there is
an existing service road underpass) and connects through to the Arastadero
Preserve. Parts of this trail are shown going through The Town of
Los Altos Hills.
From table D-1 of the Countywide Trail Master
Creek / Page Mill
Trail |
Creek |
Palo Alto Baylands Park / Bay Trail
Foothill Expressway |
Alto |
Creek / Page Mill
Trail |
Page Mill Road |
Foothill Expressway
Arastadero Road |
Altos Hills
University |
Creek / Page Mill
Trail |
Road |
Page Mill Rd.
Arastadero Preserve |
Altos Hills |
The first listed segment of this trail has been built by Stanford,
but along Stanford Avenue rather than Matadero Creek. It is thus
necessary to make the trail connection at Junipero Serra and Stanford
Avenue, rather than Matadero Creek at Foothill Expressway (which
is east of Page Mill Road.)
Our general position on this trail is as follows: The trail
must connect to the existing trail endpoints: Stanford Avenue at
Junipero Serra, and the Arastadero Preserve. This trail should meet
Trail Standard G-2 (multi-use, paved and unpaved) or G-3 (multi-use,
unpaved).The trail must have no gaps between the endpoints. We suggest
a routing that goes under I-280 at the service road tunnel nearest
Page Mill Road, because a trail crossing at the I-280 interchange
would be unusually dangerous due to the high-speed multilane traffic
of the two-lane Page Mill to I-280 onramp, uncontrolled by signals,
at that location.
Stanford positions
In 1995, Stanford was asked by the County to comment on the Countywide
Trail Master Plan. (Ref Letter K, September 15, 1995, in "Final
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Countywide Trail Master
Plan Update".) Stanford's comment on trail routing at that time
was as follows:
"We would not want to provide additional pathways through
the existing leaseholds in the Research Park (Trail S1 between El
Camino Real and Junipero Serra Boulevard). We would also need to
prevent public access to other leaseholds on Stanford lands. The
open space west of Junipero Serra Boulevard are agricultural leases
and public access would need to be prevented. It would be possible
to consider easements at the boundaries of the leases if they were
fenced to prevent public access. This could affect portions of trails
S1, C1, and C2."
The "leaseholds in the research park" issue reflects that Trail
S-1, if run along Matadero Creek as in the plan, would run through
the Research Park from El Camino to Junipero Serra. Connecting to
the existing trail along Stanford Avenue is an alternative which
would avoid this objection expressed by Stanford.
Stanford also pointed out a minor inconsistency in the map:
There is an exception for the section of Trail S1 between
Junipero Serra Boulevard and and Page Mill Road, which is Stanford
land within the County jurisdiction. It appears this segment should
be designated XOX rather than a solid line.
Stanford also made a general policy statement on trails:
Policy C-PR-26 states that private developers will be encouraged
to incorporate indicated trail routes into their projects. We
support this concept in all areas where it would not be in direct
conflict with our academic mission.
We have informally heard from Charles Carter of Stanford Planning
that Stanford would like to avoid building trail C1, arguing that
the Alpine Road trail in San Mateo County is sufficient. This would
clearly be noncompliance with the General Use Permit.
Parties involved
Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation is the lead agency on
this effort. Jane Mark there is currently staffing it.
On the Stanford side, Charles Carter in Stanford's planning office
is currently staffing the issue.
Neighboring jurisdictions (definitely Palo Alto, Portola Valley,
and Los Altos Hills, and possibly San Mateo County and Menlo Park)
have some involvement because trail connections to their trail systems
are involved. Palo Alto's lead is Greg Betts, the Open Space director.
Portola Valley's lead is Mary Hufty, chair of the Portola Valley
Trail Commission.
Various community groups are involved as well, including the College
Terrace Association, the Committee for Green Foothills, and a number
of trail-using organizations listed separately. At the political
level, there has been some involvement by Supervisor Liz Kniss'
office, and former Supervisor (now Assemblyman) Joe Simitian was
instrumental in getting this requirement into the GUP.
Links to detailed plan sections
Comments on this plan are welcomed and should be sent to comments@stanfordtrails.com