Matadero Creek Link
County Trail
S-1, from Stanford's version of the Santa Clara County Trail
Master Plan.
mapped trail route shown follows Matadero Creek, and dead-ends
at the I-280 / Page Mill Road interchange, where the creek
disappears into a pipe.
trail does not currently exist, although the lightly-travelled
section of Old Page Mill Road is to some extent usable as
a trail.
is a bike path along Page Mill Road through the I-280 interchange,
but it is in the middle of traffic lanes and is not a trail.
A more
useful trail routing, shown in red, would connect Palo
Alto's Arastadero Preserve (outlined in green) with
the Matadero Creek Trail and the Stanford Dish area.
Proposed Routing
This proposed routing is entirely within the City of Palo Alto.
A narrow strip of Palo Alto connects the foothills with the valley.
This strip is currently zoned PF- Public Facility
by the City. Stanford is the property owner.
The red section shown begins at Peter Coutts Tower, a brick cylinder
on Old Page Mill Road, and continues uphill alongside a residential
area of Los Altos Hills. The trail heads south at the top of a hill,
following an existing firebreak and merging with an existing paved
service road near I-280.
The service road goes under I-280 in an existing underpass at the
proposed trail crossing point. This is a Caltrans facility.
South of I-280, the service road turns west, but the proposed trail
routing would continue south to the Arastadero Preserve. This last
section of trail is up a steep hill in a wooded area and would probably
require switchbacks to protect the hillside from erosion. The trail
problems are no worse, though, than those dealt with successfully
elsewhere in the Arastadero Preserve.
Additional Trail Connections
There's an obvious opportunity to tie this trail into trails in
the Stanford Dish area. Existing service roads are within a few
hundred yards of the northernmost point of this trail. A connection
would provide unbroken trail access from the Stanford campus to
the Arastadero Preserve, offering a range of new recreational opportunities.